Saturday, December 31, 2011

Revolations and Resolutions

As 2011 comes to a close, I can't help but look back at this year with a mix of frustration and pride. 

On the more frustrating end, I was unable to follow through with the writing game plan I had set for myself and I barely made it past the 10,000 word mark in NaNoWriMo this year.  I was so busy with my life outside of my creative pursuits that my writing suffered.  I went through a creatively-depressed period that was so bad, I couldn't bare to even look at a copy of Writer's Digest for fear it would send me into a pit of self-hating guilt.

Okay, I'm being mellow dramatic, but I really couldn't read anything about the creative process without feeling poorly about myself.

But I'm happy and proud to report that I'm on a an up swing right now.  I've been reevaluating my interests and have found that while writing stories isn't my primary driver in life - as I've always secretly wished it would be- it is something I still feel the need to do.  I would be lost without my journal to pour myself into and board if I no longer told myself stories.  What I'm working out now is what I want to write and share with others.

I think my primary misstep in 2011 -perhaps my greatest misstep about writing in general - was not sharing my work.  By always being convinced that what I had was too rough or not of interest to others stunted whatever growth or motivation I could have gotten had I been more open about my work.  I'm lucky enough to be a part of a great writing group, but have barely been a participant for the last year.  That saddens me and I want it to change in 2012.

While I have many half written stories I could work on, what I'm most interest in pursuing at the moment is writing a personal essay about my experience with food.  I love reading food writing, so I'm excited to try my hand at it.  Admittedly, I'm not quite sure how to go about food writing or about personal essays, but I plan on just going for it!

2012 is a blank page that I'm looking forward to filling.  There will be many challenges - I plan to start culinary school possibly as soon as March while still working a full time job - but I feel more confidant than ever that I will find the time and discipline to accomplish what I want in 2012.

Let's toast to the end of good ol' 2011 and raise our glasses to 2012!  Cheers to you all and thanks for reading!

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